Os erros que podem aparecer ao efectuar login são:
The system has recovered from a serious error.
A log of this error has been created.
Please tell Microsoft about this problem.
We have created an error report that you can send to help us improve Microsoft Windows. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous.
To see what data this error report contains, click here.
A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer...
Technical information:
*** Stop 0x0000007f (0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
Para resolver o problema a Microsoft lançou uma nova actualização, cliquem nos links para fazerem o download.
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Os drivers das impressoras com problemas confirmados pela Microsoft são:
Ricoh LAN Fax Driver
Gestetner P7026n PCL
Ricoh Laser AP2600N PCL
HP LaserJet 9050
HP LaserJet 4200
HP 4050 PCL6
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